Healing with Energy, Color and Sound
Feng Shui your Life
Nancy J. Walton, RMT, LOA
"Holistic health & wellness"
@ Spiritual Holistic Expo 9/21 & 22
AG Hall Allentown, PA Booth 669
@Dragonfly Yoga Studio* 164 Green Street, Doylestown, PA, 18901
45 West 46th St., 4th floor, NY, NY 10036
Healing the Chakras -The 7 Major Wheels of Life
Chakra work is one of the subtlest methods of healing. Chakras are centers of awareness in the human body. They are neither physical nor anatomical and are found in the subtle energy system (Govinda, 2002). Chakra is Sanskrit for "wheel." Whereas meridians are an energy transportation system, the chakras are energy stations (Eden, 1998). Chakras are energy centers traversing the length of the spine, each accounting for a different mode of perception (Smith, 2006).
The chakras are spinning vortexes of energy that pull energy into the body from the environment and distribute them within your body.
Each is connected to its corresponding energy layer and provides energy, light, and color to its region of influence within the body.
Each is connected to its corresponding energy layer and provides energy, light, and color to its region of influence within the body.
Each chakra is paired with its counterpart on the back - they are in fact one chakra. The rear wheel is related to the will; the frontal aspects are related to feelings.
The endocrine glands are located within the circuitry of the chakras: Each chakra disperses energy to its associated endocrine gland. It is no coincidence that the chakras and the endocrines are within the same spatial location throughout the body.
The inductive coupling between the etheric body and the physical body produces a variety of energy currents into the physical body and a reverse flow out of the body into the etheric body and the environment
Although the seven (7) primary chakras are those normally referred to, there are many other minor chakras throughout the body such as those in the palms of the hands.
A chakra realigning can be a session solely a session unto itself or it can be added to a Reiki treatment which can include healing stones as an additional strengthening & harmonizing benefit.
The base or Root Chakra
Is located at the base of the spine. It carries life energies up into the body, through the other chakras, as well as down the legs.
Grounding to the Earth's energies, Support, survival & basic needs are what this represents. This vibrates to abundance, and when trusting in the Source or Universe (the center is balanced & applied when in the world) it will give you an understanding that there is enough for everyone.
This chakra stores our ancestral relationships, childhood and past-life material, and can be a storehouse for past traumas. It is associated with the color red.
Earthy center: Elimination of solids and liquids
Related anatomy: Rectum & Bladder
Essential Oils: each oil has a specific scent and vibration - Basil, Cinnamon, Clove, Fennel, Frankincense, Geranium, Ginger, Nutmeg, Orange, Patchouli, Pine, *Vetiver*Grounding, centering, strength, protection, money.
The Second Chakra
It is known as the sacral or abdominal chakra because of its location - from the top of the pelvic bone to the navel - it is the seat of creation.
It is here that the body embraces the soul.
This chakra reveals the affection and compassion of the soul, and is the center of our sexuality and is located in the lower abdomen.
Most caring and dedicated Healers have a strong and active second Chakra which is linked to the etheric body. It is connected to our emotions, intimacy, sexuality, desire, & pleasure. This Chi area is our feeling center. When we open to our emotions, our feelings, we are capable of creating what we really want! The associated color is orange.
“the dwelling place of the self”
Water center: generative force, emotional drive, pelvic organs, glandular secretions
Related anatomy: Reproductive organs, large intestine, bladder, pelvis, and lower back.
Essential Oils: buy organic for the most pure source -Atlas Cederwood, Bergamot, Cinnamon, Clove, Cypress, Geranium, Ginger, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Neroli, Sandalwood, Ylang Ylang.
The Third Chakra
This wheel is located above the navel, between the belly button and the lower rib cage, which addresses the issues of personal will, the 'self' in self-esteem, confidence and respect -Ego/Power/Will. It is linked to the astral body and plane. Using personal power align yourself with the divine will -notice that from there your instincts - will guide you to walk the path you were meant to. the color associated with this is Yellow.
"lustrous gem"
The fire Center: digestion
Related anatomy: Pancreas, adrenals, stomach, small intestines, digestion, bowels, liver, spleen & middle back.
Essential Oils: find the one that works for you - Atlas Cedarwood, Basil, Bergamot, Black pepper, Cinnamon, Coriander, Cypress, Fennel, Geranium, Lemon, Orange, Rosemary, and most of what has already been mentioned.
Fourth Chakra
This 12 petaled Lotus has a more esoteric responsibility from which all the other are balanced. This is the center of the Heart of unconditional love, trust commitment, compassion and hope.
The heart chakra is the center through which all energies must pass in transit from one group of layers and from one reality to another and filters all energies, thoughts and experiences which affect us emotionally, physically and spiritually. This energy also can represent its opposite. When we are open, we generate & heal ourselves and this energy is passed on to others.
Airy center: Respiration
Related anatomy: Thymus, lungs, diaphragm, circulation, the heart.
Essential Oils: use one or a combination - Juniper, Lemon, Myrrh, Petitgrain, Roman chamomile, Rose, Spearmint, Thyme.
Geranium, Bergamot, Ylang Ylang, Mandarin, Jasmine, Lavender
Fifth Chakra
This Lotus is for our communication & creativity for self-expression and is located at the base of the throat. Chose not to generate negativity by perpetuating judgements and align yourself with Divine will. Speak your truth and unlock your potential! This is the filtering point for all data that is sorted, systemized, and then dispersed as our personal expression. The color associated with this chakra is blue.
Etheric center voice
Related anatomy: Thyroid/parathyroid, mouth, neck, shoulders, arms, hands.
Essential Oils: experiment with each one - Basil, Cypress, Neroli, Peppermint, Pettigran, Pine, Rose, Thyme, *Vetiver
*conviction, integrity.
Brow Chakra
This Lotus is for seeing beyond what is, and the intuition from the Third Eye. Developing heightened perception and looking beyond dense matter is what awaits you when develop this chakra gaining insight & greater awareness. Visualize the life you would like to live!
“beyond wisdom,”
Related anatomy: Pineal gland & pituitary, as well as the brain, nervous system, eyes & ears.
Essential Oils: drop a drop of Basil, Clove, Lavender, Nutmeg and Orange.
Crown Chakra
This thousand petaled Lotus is located at the center of the top of your head, and vibrates to the rhythm of the cosmos, as universal consciousness. This is the Chi of creation, where selflessness, humanitarianism and spirituality is nourished & nurtured to return & give to others - for true understanding is the path of the Divine.
"thousand petaled,"
Related anatomy: Pituitary, central nervous system, skeletal, muscular & the organ of the skin.
Essential Oils: test them at any health food store with testers - Clary Sage, Frankincense, Lavender, Lotus & Myrrh
The Pineal gland: ajna chakra
the pineal gland is said to be the ‘third eye’ or ‘the seat of the soul’ - ‘siddhi’, a psychic power. Pinoline is suggested to be the neurochemical that triggers a particular state of consciousness.
(methoxylated tryptoline)
Spontaneous case collection studies (e.g. Rhine, 1969) have found that many spontaneous psi experiences occur during the sleeping and dreaming state of consciousness, which suggests that dreaming is a state of consciousness whereby we are likely to have psi experiences.
Chakra Visualization Technique for Clearing
Morning & Evening Exercise
Sit up with your spine straight with your arms comfortably at your side so that the energy will move more effortlessly through the 7 Centers.
Imagine a clear, cool sparkling flow of water flooding into your head through the Crown Chakra down through the body, clearing each Center as it flows downward to your base spine.
Imagine that this water is clearing away all debris, unwanted energy or thought patterns, allowing the muscles to relax as it
Allow the heart feel renewed and light again with childlike openness and unconditional love. Let the body feel radiant with this cleansing, unblocked at each level or energy center, washing away held emotions.
Feel the flow of energy become charged with positive and renewed support as the water washes over you, down to your feet.
Now, imagine yourself bathed in golden light, and that each Center is beaming a strong bright light. Inhale to allow a fullness throughout your being, and exhale gently while releasing anything else that you no longer want to hold onto. Bring the light up from the feet as well, and let this energy circulate on its own natual path.
This imaging excersize has a profound effect on your health & mental outlook, which supports your heart & emotional stability.
Testing Your Chakras
To find what area of your body energy is weak in any Chakra you will need a partner. This method is similar to Kinesiology, (you will need a partner) - you will need to lay down.
Bring your arms straight up in front of you with the back of your hands & wrists touching together. Then you will ask your partner to tap lightly 2x's the chakra you want tested with his/her middle finger.
Your partner will then slide both hands between your raised arms at the level below your wrists, with their palms gently pressing against your arms as your resist the 'push'.
Finding which Chakra is needing to be cleared, realigned & strengthened you will notice it easy to separate the hands, wrists & arms.
Clearing & Charging
Place your palm above the chakra,(about 4 inches) starting at the base working up to the head, start to move your hand(s) circling over the chakra in a clockwise motion (if using a partner-it would mirror counterclockwise) to open and clear any unwanted old negative patterns or energy, then reverse to begin closing the Chakra; each time shaking off the energy before moving to the next Chakra. Complete all the Chakras in this way.
The exception I've read is the Male, where you reverse this pattern at the crown Chakra - You will have to determine this case by case.
There are 21 Minor Chakras and 144 altogether
Nancy J. Walton, RMT
Dragonfly Yoga Studio
164 Green Street
Doylestown, PA 18901