Healing with Energy, Color and Sound
​Feng Shui your Life
Nancy J. Walton, RMT, LOA
​ "Holistic health & wellness"
Awaken & Restore Massage & Wellness Center
Gwynedd Office Park
​714 • 716 • 768 N. Bethlehem Pike
Suite 204A
Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 267-221-7160
Eating complete foods removes unhealthy crave/binging habits and increases our well-being which is necessary for living a vibrant life.
I encourage you to think about your health and wellness as a complimentary system of bodywork, healthy foods and self-reflective dialogue to clear out negative old patterns to raise your awareness and bring increased strength to your body ~ mind ~ heart ~spirit ~ connection.
Discover new ideas for integrating TASTY whole grain,
vegetable, and bean dishes into your
your family's diet
Enjoy Decadent Desserts that have a complex sugar base
so that there won't be that high~low experience you have with cane sugar.
Choosing Whole Foods
Choosing Whole Foods
First, let us take a look at the average person’s diet. It usually contains high amounts of processed foods, refined grains, sugar and fats. It is often difficult to avoid parties and other events that have such temptations - and a little nibble or two is challenging to avoid. But you don't want them as part of your everyday diet because we are learning that our health will suffer. Ingesting foods that provide little nutritional benefit can cause serious nutritional deficiencies, over the long haul and have immediate results.
(coffee + sugar = poor muscle tone prior to an athletic event or excercise & also has the high/low drop in energy for inadequate performance or long endurance)
Starting with organic, whole foods may seem a little overwhelming at first, I know. By my own experience in attempting to convert my husband all-at-once was disastrous. He panicked when we came back home from a wellness consultation for his Agent Orange rash. I started throwing out all the canned goods and wanted to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. He was so use to the way in which he grew up that this threatened his safely created world of what he knew. (He also saw money going into the trash, instead of the health investment we were about to make).
A whole foods diet is lower in fats & consists of a wide variety of different colored vegetables, fruits and grains; raw seeds, nuts and nut butters such as tahini, almond & pumpkin seed butter. Whole beans for protein and fermented; tofu, tempeh, & natto - that can even be in the form of shoyu, miso & tamari.
Antioxidants include vitamin C, beta carotene, vitamin E, and many cancer fighting substances called phytochemicals are found in whole foods & higher in organic fruits, vegetables & grains and are to be considered when wanting to protect yourself against the environment and helps with the anti-ageing process.
In re-evaluating ones eating habits, approaching one's diet is important. It has to have sense of balance. When you start to have the majority of your meals with whole, fresh foods, then cravings will be minimized so when you want a sweet or two you won't be damaging your bodys' physiology, and lessening the onslaught of 'stressor' foods in your system.
When stressor foods are consumed it starts depleting the body of essential nutrients. These stressor foods consists of refined sugars ( promotes tooth decay, creates hyperactivity or adds to those already challenged with this behavior, decreases immune functioning, increases the risk of heart disease contributes to obesity & diabetes), sodas (carbonated drinks & colas are high in phosphates that robs the body of necessary calcium which contributes to osteoporosis), enriched or refined grains & flours, pastas (removes the germ and bran which contain 90 percent of the nutritional content and does not get easily digested & sticks to the stomach lining which does not allow for maximum absorption from other foods) and also processed/hydrogenated fats - margarine & deep fried foods (causing trans fatty acis to interfere with metabolic absorption and tend to gather at adipose tissue (body fat) sites. They are difficult to eliminate from the body and are a lower quality of an energy source.
This may be a completely new experience for you, too. Relax, and make the transition slowly (you don't have this make major changes overnight like I attempted) but most of all have fun with shopping & investigating these new foods. Think of this as a new adventure!
By making small changes to your family's diet the transition will not only be more acceptable, their bodies will also be in harmony and not go through a too fast toxic foods cleansing.
Remember this it is never too late to start. It will be an amazing health & healing journey. You will begin to notice how quickly the poor health habits of your family will begin to disappear when good nutrition is established esp. when they begin to notice that they have more energy, mental clarity, and overall body strength with whole foods!
These recipes are a compilation of 15 years of cooking & experimenting in Macrobiotics and Vegetarian cooking so that you can add a viable source of nutrition to your home & a more balanced eating for you & your family's lifestyle.
Start you desire to give the gift of love through your creative process of preparing wholesome meals.
Demonstrated at Whole Foods|Jenkintown in the late Fall of 2001
- Holistic Alternatives is an e-book for $29.95 - PDF format - overnite delivery in your email
Paypal is for your convenience - payments are to be made to nancyjwalton@yahoo.com
and email me & the book will be delivered in your email.
Food Categories:
Whole Grain / Organic Vegetables / Soups and Stew / Vegetable Proteins / Desserts
1987 Bucks County School of Macrobiotics,
Langhorne, PA
Introduction to Macrobiotics
Bucks County Community College|Introduction to Macrobiotics|Donna Plummer
Assistant|Prep Cook
4/88 Geraldine Walker, Macrobiotic Cooking Instructor
6 week program on Macrobiotic cooking. Fundamentals of grains, vegetables, bean proteins (tofu, tempeh, natto) soups, stews, seitan and meal composition.
4/88 - 1990 Beth Scott
Macrobiotic Cook Assistant
1990~91 Kathy Lyons
Macrobiotic Cook Assistant
In 2001 I became In-store food/cook demonstrator at Whole Foods in Jenkintown, PA where we collaborated together where they paid for the produce and I cooked the food.... teaching the benefits of whole food eating & healthy cooking - cooking in front of a live audience from my cook book collection of recipes (some of which I was asked to contribute to the Whole Foods Cookbook)
Cooking style for Summer
With the seasonal change from Spring to Summer cooking methods become lighter and shorter. Stir-frying, steaming, and light boiling are the main cooking methods for the season. Vegetables are chopped finer or in matchsticks for quicker cooking. Salt and Tamari are used in smaller amounts.
Corn is harvested at this time and is the most suitable grain for the season, but now there is GMO - choose wisely!!*
Sea vegetables can also be used as condiments or in light-pickled salads. Small amounts of fresh summer fruit can be used with meals as they provide a cooling effect.
Udon Noodles or Favorite Whole Grain Pasta
Red Lentil Sauce with Dandelion Leaf Condiment
Arame with Sunflower Seeds, Chives & Mustard
Corn on the Cob
Fresh Salad with Red Radishes and Carrot Flowers
Cucumber Pickle
Poached Pears in Lemon Sauce
Udon Noodles or Favorite Pasta
1 package of udon noodles or your favorite pasta
2 quarts of water
1. Bring the water to a rolling boil. Add the noodles or pasta. Stir quickly so pasta doesn't stick together. Cook
al dente
2. Strain and set aside.
Red Lentil Sauce
1 tsp. olive oil
1 clove of garlic -minced
1-2 onions - minced
pinch sea salt
1 cup dry red lentils - sorted to remove possible stones, rinsed and strained
5 cups of water
4 bay leaves
1 -4" piece of kombu
1-2 tomatoes - minced (optional)
1 TB shoyu
pinch of coriander and cumin (optional)
parsley garnish
1. Saute garlic and onions and pinch of salt in oil until onions are clear.
2. Add the lentils, water, bay leaves, kombu and tomatoes. Bring to a boil and simmer 20 minutes.
3. Season with shoyu and cook 5 more minutes. Add coriander and cumin and garnish with parsley.
Dandelion Leaf Condiment
3 cups minced, unsprayed dandelion leaves
1/2 cup minced onions
1 tsp. toasted sesame oil
1 tsp. almond butter
dash of shoyu
1. Prepare the vegetables. Saute' in the sesame oil.
2. Season with the shoyu and almond butter.
Arame with Sunflower Seeds, Chives and Mustard
2 handfuls of arame, rinsed, drained and soaked in water just to cover
3/4 cup apple juice and 3/4 cup water
1 cup sunflower seeds
1-2 tsp. shoyu
1/2 cup finely chopped chives
1. Drain the arame and put in pan. Add apple juice/water mix...just to cover. Simmer with the lid off for 15 minutes.
2. While the arame is cooking, warm up a cast iron skillet. Quickly rinse the sunflower seeds in cold water, strain and toast on the warm skillet until golden. Stirring constantly.
3. When golden, remove seeds from the skillet and crush 1/2 of them in a suribachi or coffee grinder. Garnish with the other 1/2.
4. When the liquid is almost gone from the arame, season with the shoyu and cook 1 minute more. Add the crushed sunflower seeds, chives and 1 tsp. Wasabi Mustard and serve.
*Corn on the Cob
2 quarts water
2 pinches of sea salt
1 ear of corn per person
1. Bring water and salt to a boil. Add corn and cook approx. 7 minutes.
use Ume plum instead of butter if you are non-dairy.
Fresh Salad with Red Radishes and Carrot Flowers
Create a beautiful fresh salad with organic greens from your garden....mixed greens, lettuce, parsley, red radishes and carrot flowers. (5 little pie-shaped strips cut down the length of the carrot, then slice the carrot for pin-wheel shaped flowers). Add your favorite dressing.
Cucumber Pickle
1 pickle per person - either homemade or store bought kosher organic gurkens
You can soak in vinegar and garlic with spices as a pressed salad sliced
Poached Pears in Lemon Sauce with Raspberries
2 cups apple juice
2 TB rice syrup
pinch of sea salt
2 pears cut in half and seeds removed
2 TB kudzu diluted in 1/8 cup cold water
juice and zest from 1 organic lemon
fresh raspberries and mint leaf to garnish
1. Bring apple juice, rice syrup and salt to a boil. Add the pear halves and simmer about 5 minutes. Remove when soft and place in serving bowls.
2. Bring apple juice back to a boil and stir in diluted kuzu. Simmer for 1/2 minute.
3. Turn off the heat and add lemon juice and zest.
4. Pour sauce over pear halves & garnish with raspberries and mint.
The cooking and food choices outlined for winter are all about warming the body and strengthening the WATER element. If a person is living on a diet all year round that is better suited to hot climates or warm months, they may suffer damage to the kidneys, adrenal glands or sexual organs. The lower areas of the body or kidneys may feel cold, sexual energy may diminish or there may be a weakness in the bones. How many times have you heard someone say that they were chilled to the bone? Cooking for winter can be helpful when the body is locked into a cold condition.
Azduki Bean (Shepherd’s Pie)
2 cups dried azduki beans
Small piece kombu
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 onion finely diced
1 clove garlic
1 tsp each of oregano, rosemary and thyme
1 stalk celery finely sliced
1 cup leafy greens, chopped into small pieces
1 cup stock of your choice (dashi stock) for the rich umami taste
Topping ;1 cup cooked millet½ cooked cauliflower (steamed or boiled)1-2 tbsp olive oil1 tbsp dried chives or ¼ cup fresh, chopped1 tsp sea salt
Soak beans overnight with a postage size piece of kombu and cook until soft (approximately 45 minutes if using stovetop.) 25 minutes if using a pressure cooker.
Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan and fry onion, garlic and herbs in oil until soft. Add celery and greens and stock. Cover and simmer for 5-10 minutes.
Preheat oven to 175c/350f Combine cooked millet and cauliflower in a bowl and mash with oil, chives, salt and as much water as needed to make a smooth mixture.
Stir the greens mixture into the beans and spoon all into a casserole, baking dish or I prefer to use individual pie dishes so each person has their own ‘pie’ Top with the cauliflower and millet topping. Bake for approximately 20 minutes or until nicely browned and serve as is or with a shitake gravy poured over the top.
Macrobiotic menu for late Winter to Early Spring
Serve with brown rice and tofu-wakame miso soup
Kinpira Gobo (sautéed and simmered burdock root)
Renkon Dango (lotus root balls)
Kabu (turnip) & Apple Salad
*All vegetables are used unpeeled except for the onion in the carrot puree.
1 Gobo (burdock root)
1 Carrot
1/2 Renkon (lotus root)
2 Tbsp Soy sauce
Sesame oil for frying
Slice gobo and carrot into thin sticks. Cut renkon into quarter and slice thinly. Heat sesame oil in a saucepan then add gobo and cook until fragrant. Add carrots and renkon and continue to saute for a few minutes. Add water till all veg are covered, turn heat down low and cover. Leave to simmer slowly until gobo is softened. Add soy sauce 1 tbsp at a time. The trick is to add it in a circular motion and allow one tbsp to be soaked up before adding next. Cook until all liquid is reduced.
Spring '07 Durham House, Pipersville, PA
Prepared meals for patients with mental disabilities
Chef in charge of Purchasing, Budget, prep work, cooking & creating a menu.
9/05-3/07 Apple Jacks Hotel Cellar Bar & Restaurant, Point Pleasant, PA
Head Cook
Creating fish and meat dinner menus
for special holidays: appetizers to dessert
Inventory Control of Pantry, and also basic prep work.
1992 - 2007 Teaching holistic healing incorporating healthy eating with whole foods
9/01 - 4/02 Whole Foods, Jenkintown, PA
A teaching, cooking and demonstrating food preparation with whole foods interactive in the store and within a conference room set-up.
July 1991 Logan Inn, New Hope , PA
Prep work for Macrobiotic Dinners offered at the restaurant
1990 - 1991 Personal Chef Service
In-home preparation and take-out Vegetarian meals (including desserts)
4/88 – 1/90 Personal Chef Assistant, Langhorne, PA
Prepared Vegetarian meals (including desserts) for 6 to 8 people.
Vitamin A
Spinach, Kale, Watercress, Parsley, Okra, Dandelion greens, Broccoli, Carrots Apricots, Prunes, Peaches, Sunflower seeds Paprika
Vitamin B1
Almonds, Kelp, Soybeans, Brown rice, Wheat Germ, Sunflower seeds, Lentils (red or green), Kidney, Adzuki Kelp, Dulse
Vitamin B2
Sunflower seeds, Soybeans, Pinto Beans, Millet, Wheat, Rye, Sesame seeds, Lentils, Dulse, Kelp, Yogurt, Saffron
Vitamin B12
Miso & Tamari, Shoyu/Soy sauce, Tempeh, Natto, Wakame (found in Japanese soups or seaweed salads), Kombu, Hiziki, Arame, Dulse,
Sea Palm fronds
Vitamin C
Parsley, watercress, cabbage, carrot tops, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, bancha tea, Citrus fruits & berries, vegetable juice, Citrus fruits: Lemon, orange & berries
Vitamin D
Sunlight is the best source for this vitamin, dried fish, goat milk (liver, butter egg yolk, cod liver oil- sardines, salmon, tuna and mackerel, dark leafy vegetables
Vitamin E
Brown rice, whole grains, Barley, Nuts, Beans, Green leafy vegetables, Wheat Germ, Avocados, Kelp, butter, corn
Vitamin F
Oils: Corn, Sesame, Almond, Cotton seed, Peanut, Sunflower, Olive, Evening Primros, Grapeseed, Flax Seed , canola, walnut also- salmon, trout, mackerel and tuna
Vitamin K
Green Kale, Collards, Mustard greens, Sprouts, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Parsley, Brown rice, asparagus, green tea (This vitamin is also produced by your own natural intestinal flora)
Vitamin P
aka Rutin) aceroloa, Apricots, Currants,
berries-red/blue, Broccoli, Grapes, Onions, Garlic, Buckwheat, Green tea, Paprika (Found in brightly colored pulp & in the rinds of Citrus fruits