Healing with Energy, Color and Sound
​Feng Shui your Life
Nancy J. Walton, RMT, LOA
​ "Holistic health & wellness"
@ Spiritual Holistic Expo 9/21 & 22
AG Hall Allentown, PA Booth 669
@Dragonfly Yoga Studio* 164 Green Street, Doylestown, PA, 18901
45 West 46th St., 4th floor, NY, NY 10036
What is Color Therapy?
Color Therapy
is a gentle non invasive complementary therapy that produces an environment through color and light to assist in optimizing well-being. This method can be used to help a wide variety of health issues.
Practitioners believe that color can be used to correct energy imbalances which are the cause of disease. Different colors have different effects..
This is an ancient approach that dates back to the Egyptians (the had sun-filled rooms with colored glass for therapeutic benefits. Color therapy was also used in Greece, Chine and India.
Light and color are absorbed by the skin and through the eyes. Light through the eyes feeds energy to the brain’s cerebral cortex as well as the pituitary and pineal glands. Light energy directed by the pituitary affects and controls the entire endocrine glandular system that controls the production and release of hormones. This regulates body chemistry and its growth, all organs of the body (including the brain), and the autonomic nervous system throughout the body.
Some light and color is also directed via the retina through neurochemical channels to the pineal gland, situated behind the hypothalamus, to activate certain sensors in the brain connected with our sense of seasons, location, and spiritual awareness.
Color practitioners can use a variety of techniques/methods using color. These can include:
*Directing color / light on to different parts of the body (helps in the healing process)
~Use of color on acupuncture points
*Using color with chakras (helps rebalance and re-center)
*Color breathing/Color visualization
~Use of color essences on the skin
~Solarised essences
*Colored foods (this is part of my Macrobiotic training in preparing meals)
*Advice on wearing certain colors (Color Me Beautiful in-house training as a hairdresser)
Some other tools used in color therapy can include gemstones, candles, wands, prisms, colored fabrics, bath treatments, and colored eye wear.
COOL BLUE: Has been effective in treating depression and pain.. Dark Shades of BLUE can had a sedative effect which can benefit those who have insomnia.
People with a high level of Cool Blue energy live their lives according to the principles, facts and logic they find in reality. They like to analyze all of the possibilities to make sure that they don't make an uninformed decision. They are planners and organizers, with the ability to work out tasks systematically from start to finish.
As a result of their thoroughness, they are often reluctant to make or express decisions quickly. Facts, logic and principles can appear more important than friendships or personal gratification. They may be seen as detached or even distant at times.
Using the color for healing creates a soothing effect on the mind and slows metabolism. Too much of it can cause depression.
EARTH GREEN: This is the color or natures and helps relieve stress and assists in relaxation.
People with a high level of Earth Green energy are especially concerned with feelings and relationships. Their concern for other people's well-being can often bring warmth to a situation. They are sensitive to the values behind people's actions and are often able to remain calm and patient even in very stressful circumstances.
Using Green relaxes and reduces stress, improve vision and soothes the eyes.
SUNSHINE YELLOW: Yellow is a mental stimulant and can assist in improving mood bringing about an elevated sense of happiness and optimism
People with a high level of Sunshine Yellow energy spend their efforts racing toward their dreams of the future. They move from one idea or activity to another, building the possibilities of tomorrow. Their behavior can be fun, and others can get caught up in it. Because they focus their attention on futures and often intuitive visions, they may be perceived by others as more imaginative and creative than the other colors.
They may become completely committed to an idea and then discard it soon if it loses its excitement. They may therefore appear to others as shallow, impractical and unrealistic in difficult times. Their optimism can mean that they will be prone to denial at times.
ORA​NGE: This warm color stimulates appetite and mental activity speeds up metabolism, releases Seratonin, evokes pleasant cheerfulness.
FIERY RED: Is used to energize and is used wisely as it can trigger tenseness in people.
People with a high level of Fiery Red energy know what they want and have little difficulty in stating their conclusions. Concerned primarily with action, they deal quickly with the present situation and appear to have little concern for the past. Their responses are efficient.
Red stimulates heartbeat, breathing the adrenal glands and neurons.
Too much can provoke anger, frustration and cause stress.
Potential Negative characteristics of the 4 Colors
Cool Blue
ï‚· People with a lot of Cool Blue energy have a strong need to understand and question. This can lead to a tendency to over-analyze and become overloaded with information.
ï‚· Avoidance of confrontation can lead to feelings and resentments being bottled up.
ï‚· They may read too much between the lines and foresee the worst possible outcome of situations.
Developing effective traits
ï‚· Learning not to expect perfection from themselves and others. Expressing themselves more freely
Earth Green
ï‚· Like to be cooperative and enjoy facilitating other people's contributions. As a result, their own contributions can be overlooked and undervalued.
ï‚· They tend to judge their own and others' actions against their personal values. They can become defiant and stubborn if these values are violated.
ï‚· They focus on the positive in others and prefer to praise rather than critique. Because of this, they may avoid confrontation or giving necessary negative feedback.
Developing effective traits
ï‚· Develop greater assertiveness and making their contributions more visible
ï‚· Being more open to other people's values, even if at first they appear in conflict with their own
Sunshine Yellow
ï‚· Responsive to others, but because of this they may make promises they cannot keep.
ï‚· They are motivated by relationships and can tend to lose track of time.
ï‚· Their willingness to help others and be part of a team may lead to over-commitment and failure to see things through
ï‚· They may become overly emotional when under stress or in conflict and may fail to keep the continuing support of the group
Developing effective traits
ï‚· Realizing they cannot please everyone
ï‚· Learning to say "no" more often. Saying "no" encourages them to stay focused on their own objectives.
Fiery Red
Independent and Authoritative, people who use a lot of Fiery Red energy can suffer as a result of their failure to win the commitment of others on their team.
ï‚· Their ability to focus single-mindedly on their objectives and their reliance on their own personal experience only may lead to their having a narrow field of vision. This may lead to a difficulty in anticipating problems and studying alternative approaches.
ï‚· Their desire for closure and to save time by doing things themselves can lead to an inability to develop the potential input of others.
Developing effective traits
Acknowledging that the accomplishment of organizational objectives requires teamwork and cooperation and by becoming more receptive to both.
Realizing that by taking the time to develop, inform and gain the support of others, they can greatly increase commitment, leading to improved overall performance. Creating "buy-in" can be easy, and is vital to the success of a team.
Healing properties: Orange is warm, cheering, non-constricting. Orange has a freeing action upon the body and mind, relieving repressions. Orange shows new possibilities and other options in life. Stimulates creative thinking and enthusiasm, appetite, oxygen to the brain and helps assimilate new ideas
Stimulates adrenal and heart activity. Strengthens contact with your life purpose. For
achieving power and self-realization. Strong but controlled passions and emotions. Daring, ready to fight, willing to give everything for a goal. Can drive things too far and have fixed ideas.
It is cool, electric, and astringent. Purifier of the bloodstream and also benefits mental problems. It is a freeing agent.
It governs both physical and spiritual perception. Stimulates the brow chakra (third eye) and controls the pineal gland. It can be of great assistance in dealing with ailments of the eyes and ears.
Soothe mental and emotional stress. Decrease sexual activity. Decrease sensitivity to pain. They help in detoxification. They heal melancholy, hysteria, delusions and alcohol addiction and bring spiritual insights and renewal. These colors slow down an over-active heart; stimulate the spleen and the white blood cells (immunity). Brings on sleep.
Exposure to this color develops spirituality and deep thoughts with a tendency towards sad feelings if
exposed too much and it can intensify sexual activity.
Heals grief and sadness. Restores youthfulness. Brings you in contact with your feelings.
emotional love, emotional healing. Pink symbolizes softness, sweetness, innocence, youthfulness and tenderness. Soft and kind people.
This color can reduce anger and anxiety, but no more than a 20 minutes exposure - it turns to anxiousness and anger if in a pink room for too long.
Tones the general system. Builds the skin. Relaxes sensations of stress. Increases intuition and sensitivity. Works disinfecting and antiseptic. A color for non-triviality, renewal, innovation and inventions, progressive techniques, alternative ways of living together, humanity.
What to expect in a session
I have 2 modes of Color healing. One is a Mood therapy Light Lamp, and the other is a Color Light Board that emits colors in wave like patterns in the colors mentioned above while you listen to music, The colors you experience will assist in rebalancing your system.
Sessions for 1 hour $90. You can also add it to your reiki session.
Carl Jung & the 4 Color Energies
Swiss psychologist Carl Jung, was and is still revered as a renowned psychiatrist and proponent of art therapy, encouraged his patients to use color because he felt this would help them express some of the deeper parts of their psyche. He built on the work of Hippocrates and defined the four temperaments in terms of colors: Cool Blue, Earth Green, Sunshine Yellow and Fiery Red.
Everyone has all of the color energies in their personality, to differing degrees. Depending on the situation, our different color energies and the qualities associated with them will be present at various times:
COOL BLUE: showing no bias, objective, detached, analytical
EARTH GREEN: still, tranquil, calming, soothing
SUNSHINE YELLOW: cheerful, uplifting, spirited, enthusiastic
FIERY RED: positive, decisive, bold, assertive
What Color Are You?
To determine your dominant color energy, locate where you would fall along the following two axes of behavior or preference.
Introversion - - - - Extraversion
Thinking - - - -- Feeling (Decision-making)
You can use information about the color energies to develop strategies to help you succeed in both your personal life and your work. The key to success is first to understand yourself, then to understand others and finally to use this knowledge to manage interactions in your relationships with your family, friends, colleagues and clients.